"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself"

- Peter Drucker -

Manager in Retail e Food Industry with over 20 years of experience as Sales & Marketing Senior Roles, in Europe and Middle East. Strongly Marketing oriented in FMCG and Fresh Product sectors.

Area: Europe + Middle East


"Strategy should evolve out of the mud of the marketplace, not in the antiseptic environment of an ivory tower"

- Al Ries -

Private and public sector Top Manager with over 25 years of experience in trading, sales, industrial development and distribution. Industries: FMCG, Energy, Oil & Gas e Automotive.

Area: Balkans + Eastern Europe


"The best advertising is done by satistified customers"

- Philip Kotler -

Professional with +25 years of experience as Export Manager in Food Equipment Industry and as CFO in Cooperative Groups. Natural enterpreneur, She is firmly result oriented.

Area: Europe + North Africa

BE ITALIAN can rely on a network of Export Manager in Russia, Scandinavia, Caucasus Region, Baltic Republics and a skilled group of Experts in Logistic and Legal Advisory Services.